Head’s Newsletter – 13th January 2023

Dear parents and carers

We have had a fantastic week at Wollaston- I have been fortunate to be able to get into many classes this week and I have been very impressed with the focus and work ethic that I have seen students demonstrate.

Please do praise your children for their efforts this week. They also deserve some credit for the way in which they have managed unstructured time with such inclement weather! I have been impressed with the sensible way in which all students have conducted themselves. Once again this week, Year 11 have shown great focus in lessons, although in discussion with a few students on Thursday it appears that some are not yet in revision mode. If you have a child in Year 11 please do prompt them to plan a revision timetable and get revising- it is never too early! If you need any support with this- please do contact the year team who will be more than happy to help.

We are due another cold snap next week, please do remind your child(ren) that hoodies should not be worn as an additional layer or as a coat. We will, when necessary make additional indoor space available if the temperature requires us to do so.

Please also be reminded that our termly parental survey is live- this will stay open until next Wednesday so please do take 5 minutes to respond using the link HERE.

Best wishes for the week ahead.

Simon Anderson



Auschwitz Trip

Mr Hopkins writes “In a world of increasing instability, 43 members of the school community were reminded of the importance of standing up and speaking out against prejudice and discrimination and even worse, the perils of indifference. 

Our annual tour of remembrance to the camps of Auschwitz-Birkenau allowed five days for students and staff to reflect upon the events of the Holocaust and the lessons to be learned from the experience. Students met with a survivor and explored the echoes and traces of the former Jewish quarter, the ghetto and camps, effectively transforming Kraków into our classroom for the week. Our intention was complex, yet clear, in trying to find a way of thinking about how we might as individuals return to Wollaston and contribute towards a better understanding of how to work together to honour what one of our Ambassadors, Morgan, called “the responsibility to speak out and stand up against day-to-day prejudice and not to be bystanders: collectively working towards never allowing such horrific events to happen again.”



UK Health Security Agency Advice

The government have issued the following health advice on the return to school following the Christmas break amid high levels of flu, COVID-19 and scarlet fever: ‘UKHSA advice remains clear that children can continue to attend as normal unless they are unwell and have a high temperature. There is no requirement to be absent from school on a precautionary basis… Helping children to learn about the importance of good hand hygiene is also key, so practice regular handwashing at home with soap and warm water. Catching coughs and sneezes in tissues then binning them is another simple way to help stop illness from spreading… Remember that flu vaccination is still available for all eligible groups and is the best protection against the virus. We have seen good uptake in older age groups but vaccination among young children remains low. Flu can be very unpleasant and in some cases can lead to more serious illness. Getting your child vaccinated protects them and others they come into contact with, and it’s still not too late.

Eligible children include:

  • those aged 2 and 3 on 31 August 2022
  • all primary school-aged children
  • some secondary school-aged children’

Safeguarding: Child criminal Exploitation Awareness

Please find below the newsletter information regarding child criminal exploitation. The information is designed to make parents and carers aware of the risks and how children are targeted by criminal gangs. Sadly, North Northants schools do have experience of supporting children who have been targeted by criminal gangs so this is essential reading for all parents and carers. Should you have any concerns with regards to your child, no matter how minor, please do contact either their head of year or our DSL, Ms Walker, for support or further advice.

CCE stages


Term dates

The term dates for the 2023-2024 academic year are now available on our website. Please click HERE to view